Friday, April 20, 2012

The Shining

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“It’ll shine when it shines.”

-Folk Saying

In the book, The Shining, by Stephen King, King portrays his characters inaccurate and unsatisfying by Danny Torrance’s maturity level for his age, Wendy Torrance’s overly mothering and forgiving, and Jack Torrance’s character being too predictable. Page after page it’s a wonder how the reader seemed to know what each character would do even before it was read. Danny Torrance was particularly different from any small young boys in any other book.

Danny Torrance is first viewed and talked about saying, “…his elbow planted on his thighs and his chin propped in his hands, a five-year-old kid waiting for his daddy”(15). But the ironic part is he doesn’t act like a five-year-old boy at all. Throughout the book the reader learns more and more about the little Danny and the special gift Danny has, the shining. Although many small children have imaginary friends, Danny’s friend, Tony, is much different and far from normalcy. Tony tells Danny only bad things that will happen in the future to his family. Danny also accepts things and moves on much more quickly than a child of his age would. Danny had recovered an enraged beating his father had inflicted on him by “accidentally or not accidentally, he had broken [his] arm”(74). Danny’s father, “…had a bad temper…”(74). His father that harmed him would frighten a five-year-old boy. Danny acts way too old for his age and understands many things that even teenagers don’t understand. There were many things that scared Danny that weren’t even relevant to anything later on in the book. A fire extinguisher even scared Danny. How could a fire extinguisher be more frightening than his own father breaking his arm? But it wasn’t even worth getting worried about “as he reached the hose, some trick of the light made the nozzle seem to move, to revolve as if to strike, and he leaped high in the air…” (60). There was nothing that involved the fire hose later on in the book. Besides being frightened over little things, Danny is observetive to see the shaky relationship between his parents. He seems to know everything about the relationship between Wendy and Jack. Even the relationship between Wendy and her mother, he sites up, “Bad. Sad. Mad. It’s like she wasn’t your mommy at all…she’s always thinking about how she would be better for me than you. And how she could get me away from you” (0). That sounds way too mature for Danny’s age. Among the many flaws King has in his writing, one is the way he portrays Wendy Torrance and her motherly attitude toward her son Danny.

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Wendy Torrance is the wife of Jack Torrance, and throughout the book she puts off the caring mother role that doesn’t seem to match up with the compatibility of Jack. She seems like she is very concerned about her son and how her husband treats Danny, but at the same time she continues to go back to Jack. Jack is an alcoholic, an abuser of her son, and a jerk to her. In the scene where Wendy thinks Jack harmed Danny, when really it was the woman in room 17, Wendy automatically thinks it was Jack who hurt Danny, “ ‘Don’t you touch him! I’ll kill you if you lay your hands on him again!’”(48). She protects her son and then she goes back to Jack for comfort and security, “ ‘Don’t you dare leave us alone!’”(76). She is scared of the hotel, but she really should be scared of her own husband. When the climax of the story unfolds into a chase, Wendy becomes an instant victim of her possessed husband; “…sudden numbing reality that he meant to beat her to death with the mallet he held in his hands”(605). It’s hard to see that she can’t figure out through all the signs that her husband is dangerous. Wendy is very controversial. Sometimes the reader can really relate to her, and other times the reader wants to put down the book because it gets so frustrating. Wendy needs to figure her place in the part that she plays as a mother. She really needs to leave Jack and be safe with her son without coming back to him. Through the beginning the reader can see how evil Jack Torrance is going to be to his family.

Jack’s personality is not only particularly predictable to his actions occurring in the hotel, but they are bland and mediocre. He has the possessed feeling in him though, throughout the entire book. “Jack felt a slow, hot grin-the total antithesis of the toothy PR grin-stretch across his mouth. ‘Is that it? I’m surprised Al didn’t tell you. I’ve retired [from drinking]” (10). Jack is an alcoholic gone bad. He is recovered, but the reader can tell that it isn’t totally over yet. Alcoholics are known to have bad tempers, so from the beginning the book tells (about how) Jack Torrance has an alcoholic problem. Jack is so predictable throughout the entire book; the reader can tell that he will harm his family at some point. When Danny’s friend Tony shows him the future, the tone of the speech can easily be connected with Jack Torrance “Come on and take your medicine! Take it like a man!”(48). Later in the book, this quote does come out of Jack Torrance’s mouth. The reader can slowly see how Jack Torrance transforms from his good state of mind to his psychotic, “ ‘Let me out of here!’ Jack raged. ‘Let me out! Danny, doggone it, this is your father and I want to get out! Now do what I tell you!”(57). Jack obviously will be the one to kill or attempt to kill his family. He is the one with the most eventful background especially since he was kicked out of the academy because of harming a student who was slashing his tires. Jack just carries the baggage that can lead to psychotic behavior. That is where the whole ordeal unravels. The Overlook possesses him and makes him into the evil demon that Wendy and Danny feared. The predictions were met correctly when the book unfolded.

The Shining was known for it’s creative plot and storyline that is full of great characters. The only substance in the readers’ eyes was too easily predictable and left unsatisfied. All that is seen is a boy too mature for his age, a wife too forgiving to accept to be realistic, and a father who is too predictable as a character. Stephen King is known well for this book, but one should think twice about picking up a King book because of the way he had portrayed his characters in this novel. The Shining truly didn’t shine in many ways.

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