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“All you need is love;“ “love is a many splendored thing;” “love lifts us up where we belong.” When it comes to this amorous emotion, people seem to fount a plethora of aphorisms. Yet each phrase essentially states the same thing, that love is undeniably divine and will sustain man through his troubles. In “A Model of Christian Charity,” John Winthrop discusses love on an altogether different plane. He views love in light of community and God, rather than simply lust or adoration. Though its implications are rather similar, the love Winthrop illustrates transcends the love of mortal man.
In Winthrop’s speech aboard the Arbella, he delineates love in a rather direct way. His thought process was that God loves the Christian individual. God’s love of man stems from man being created in God’s image. If the Puritan’s are to live in a community that adheres to God’s law, then they must love one another to ensure survival. It may sound like a simplistic theme, but in light of what faced the Puritans, it was a rather lofty homily.
“Whence it comes that every man is borne with this principle in him, to love and seeke himself onely and thus a man continueth till Christ comes and takes possession of the soule, and infuseth another principle, love to God and our brother” (Lauter 00). In this excerpt, John Winthrop discusses the love that most individuals experience, but then enlightens the passengers by depicting the austere love of God. Initially, man is self-seeking and egocentric. But, if God actively enters an individual’s heart, a greater love emerges. The altruistic love of his fellow man and the divine love of God replaces the selfish tendencies to bring about a deeper, more profound love. This is the love that Winthrop wants the Puritan’s to aspire to, this powerful unity with God should undeniably be their goal.
To further explain why God so deeply loves mankind, Winthrop states that it is due to man being created in God‘s image. Much like a mother loves her child because it is her flesh and blood, so does God love his children. “This is the cause why the lord loves the Creature, soe farre as it hath any of his Image in it, he loves his elect because it is like himself, he beholds them in his beloved sonne” (Lauter 01). John Winthrop submits the notion that love is the bond of perfeccion (Lauter ). The reason it is such perfection stems from God, and the perfection that He truly is. This unifies all men, especially in the idea that “the ligamentes of this body which knitt together are love” (Lauter ). Winthrop views the Christian body as an extension of Christ’s body, which was in fact perfect . Since the Puritan’s follow in the light of Christ, then they too are in a perfect love.
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After one loves God, it is only right to live as He intended. Thus, Winthrop details the way in which the Puritans’ should live as a society. This is the overall goal of his speech, to try and set the framework for a Zionistic colony. For the success of their settlement , the Puritans must work together and live in harmony. “As in this duty of love wee must love brotherly without dissimulation, wee must love one another with a pure hearse fervently, wee must beare one anothers burthens, wee must not looke onely on our owne things but allsoe on the things of our brethren…”(Lauter 0). John Winthrop is desperately trying to instill the need for community and co-dependency in this statement. This can also be seen within his metaphor about a society being a part of a body, for he is further clarifying the need for each individual to function as part of a whole. There cannot be dissention amongst the Puritans, they must actively try to help and love their neighbor.
“Wee are Commaunded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one another, to walke in his wayes and to keepe his Commaundements and his Ordinance, and his lawes, and the Articles of our Covenant with him that wee may live and be multiplied” (Lauter 04). If the Puritans adhere to God’s law, then their success in the new world will be ensured. They must not lose sight of God and his mandates; they must not turn their back on his love or the love of their neighbor. Their future, as well as their future generations depend on these individuals living in love. Winthrop knows that the journey in the Arbella cannot compare to the arduous journey that awaits in America. This is his preparation for what is to come. To guarantee their success, all the Puritan’s need is love.
Mind that the sample papers like Love is All You Need presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
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