Friday, May 4, 2012


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Blah Blah Blah is wot I think music should return to. Popular musical protaginists help with the healing process of the transition to modern day music. So I say what are we waiting for? When it comes right down to it it could be suggested that music is simply pleasure for our auditory senses,. I believe it goes much deeper than this. I would like to suggest that music, even in its simplest form has the ability to reform and remould emotions as they come to us. A good piece of music can very easily manipulate and reconfigure our emotional state by tapping into our state of mind.

When sad we as people are more suceptible to slow deep music. Continual exposure to this type of music when in this state of mind does nothing but sympathise with us and re-enforce the way we are feeling. This is not a negative aspect of music, rather it is the very essence of music- the thing which makes it great.

How often do we as individuals sit down when happy or sad and listen to the roar of an XY GT with a 51 V8 in it? Some may say all the time but a larger proportion of the population would say that when looking to be lifted up or made to feel melancholy they will listen to music. Unless of course you have a GT or the thought that you do not have one makes you sad.

In conclusion, music is all that is good. It is a gateway to our emotions and can easily be unlocked by a series of simple note changes.

Mind that the sample papers like Blah presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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