Saturday, May 12, 2012


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February 00am-0pm -Meeting with Dianne from Therapy Plus.

1000-first client, post cataract surgery and previous falls. Questioned safety concerns re upstairs toilet and shower mat, provided smaller shower seat. Survey done over the use of kitchen appliances, working smoke detector, steps leading to outside and installation of railing on porch. No diet concerns, questioned slight weight loss, client maintains good hygiene. Emergency alert necklace worn but has difficulty remembering 11 procedure. Follow up in the near future.

1100- 85-year old woman risk for falls c/o blackouts and very hard of hearing. Diabetic, pacemaker and hypothyroidism. Client has concerned over prescription stockings. She is unable to put them on by herself. Incontinent of urine, requires chiropodists and c/o of back pain. Suspicious behaviour and negative attitude towards healthcare workers and refuses one-on-one visits. Therapist to follow up with Dr. RE prescription stockings.

10- 5 year old female with Spinabifita. Wound on back of thigh at least years old. Overweight and with severe swelling in legs. Assessment done for new wheelchair as current chair is not suitable. Wanting swing-away foot petals, solid back with curve, hip guides due to outward hip rotation, client sliding in current chair, raise knee height to stop sliding, slight lean to right and no armrests. Client in stable heath with complex personal family problems.

Feb 14

1000-1100 Physiotherapist visit to review exercises with Gerald R. Suggestions were made to improve implementation of daily routine. client was asked if he had any concerns or difficulties with this new restorative program. Gerald is very happy and has hopes for some improvements in his physical condition.

March 5

400-500 One-on-one visit and assist with evening meals.

March 14

400-500 One-on-one visit and assist with evening meals.

March 6

100-110 Occupational therapist wheelchair assessment, Mary B. Extreme hip abduction and inward rotation. Possible hip displacement due to post right-sided stroke. X-ray ordered and follow up before measurements are taken.

145-00 Occupational therapist wheelchair assessment, Gram C. concerns re height of current wheelchair and positioning. Poor posture and the inability to ambulate on his own are decreasing his independence. Chair measured and ordered. Wheel chair assessment and initial visit, Maud, Resident has complex cognitive impairments and will require further visits possibly with family.

March 8

800-400 Assist with morning routines and feeding. One-on-one visits in special care unit. Implemented morning exercise program including recumbent bike, ex-flex, parallel bars, walking programs, and range of motion. Assist with feeding program and one-on-one visits. Assist with afternoon programming.

Kristin Shore

Mr Hryzack

Ma Ville Francophone

Paris, France

Je suis très excit�e pour avoir gagn� un voyage à ma ville pr�f�r�e, Paris France! J’ai beacoup d’id�es de grandes choses de faire, comme la Paris est une ville belle et interessante. Je suis inqui�t� parce-ce que j’ai seulement deux semaines pour voir toute la ville. Je voyagerai par avion sur l’oc�an Atlantic avec ma seour, April. Elle est aussi excit�e.

Dabord nous verrons le Notre-Dame de Paris. Jouvrirai la porte et je verrai un chef d’oeuvre gothique! Le Cath�drale est beau, vif, etonnant et passionant. Nous parlerons aux preists là au sujet de la grande histoire de l�glise. Les sculptures

est tr�s interessants et grands. Nous lirons un prière dans l�glise historique. Je achèterai une petite sculpture de Mary pour ma mère à la boutique de cadeaux . April achètera une croix pour mon père.

Après nous irons à la tour dEiffel. Nous verrons comme il est tres grande, 00 mètres de haut et 7000 tonnes! Nous monterons le 165 �tapes pour atteindre le dessus et nous serons très fatigu�s. Nous verrons tout la ville et nous prendrons beaucoup de photos. Nous mangerons au restaurant appel� Jules Verne sur la deuxième plateforme. Il est tres fantaisie et cher!

Finalment, nous reposerons à un h�tel dquatre-�toile, Le Rives de Notre Dame. C’est h�tel est grande et cher. Nous verrons beaucoup de personnes importantes. Nous louerons la plus grande suite sur le plancher sup�rieur. Nous commanderons les nourritures exotiques et observerons de vieux films français. Nous ne dormirons pas toute la nuit!

En conclusion, Paris sera une aventure passionnante. Nous verrons beaucoup de beaux monuments et personnes int�ressantes. Je suis excit� pour verrai la culture et parlerai la langue. Paris est une ville beaut�, roman et imagination. Je suis très reconnaissant pour ganger c’est voyage.

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