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well to start of this essay id like to say that anyone who thinks that the internet is a good way to find good accurate information on certain topics is a tree huggin hippie that aint ever tried it before!... alright now that thats out of the way...back in the cold war days president reagen was all scared thinkin that the soviets would start shootin at us with all them nukes that they got and he didnt want to be the president that let america go to hell so he thinks we need a way to protect ourselves if they ever do start nukin the crap outta us...so he proposed the idea we make some contraption to defend us against the thousands of soviet warheads aimed at america. now from all these stupid web sites and pointless articles (that looked good at the beggining but ended up to be something about what was wrong with the stupid star wars deal and kept talkin about some patriot over isreal protectin them in the gulf war (which has nothin to do with what i searched for) INSTEAD OF STATING WHATEVER THE HELL IT IS IN THE FIRST PLACE ) that i have been mindlessly looking through, i have come to figure that it was basicly a big ole sattelite that they wanted to just throw on up into space and hope that it could send out something in the sort of a laser and just collide with the warhead head on and distroy it...wow! what a marvelous idea! although some people including me think that it was just a version of an invicible america. i think it was pretty much only a daydream told to millions of egotistical people who were more than ready to believe that the almighty United States of America was once again the all-powerful and wondefully inconvicible good guys that could never lose...god bless america.......................... that will be all.
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