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Question Outline current issues related to Australia’s regional and global context.
Current issues which relate to Australia’s regional and global context are its relationship with the UN (United Nations) and global allies, the appropriate size, equipment and role of defence forces, economic cost of military preparedness, the numerous illicit activities that take place along Australia’s coasts including the smuggling of drugs and illegal immigrants and the aid Australia offers to its neighbours.
The Australian government follows security policies to prevent or defeat the use of force against Australia and its interests. These policies centre, firstly, on the cultivation of alliances, links and friendships which promote an international environment where the use of force is discouraged. Secondly, the development of and, where necessary, the use of defence forces.
Australia’s major defence links are in the Asia-Pacific region, but it also has strong links at a global level. The link with the United Kingdom remains strong. The main global links are associated with the United Nations and the United States. Australia supports the UN in it primary function of resisting aggression around the world.
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During the Cold War, Australia’s defence links were closely bound up with global balance of power struggle between the former USSR (now Russia) and the United States. Australia’s strategic defence links have since turned more closely to the Asia-Pacific region.
Malaysia and Singapore are close defence partners. Australia’s bilateral relationship with both countries goes back to colonial times and the early years of independence when we played a key role in their security.
Indonesia is of unique strategic importance to Australia. It is one of our closest neighbours; it has a large and growing economy and population; and it could be a significant military power in the twenty-first century.
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is also a strategic importance to Australia. This developing country does not have the social and economic cohesion of Australia and lacks a tradition of strong government. Australia has a long tradition of friendship with PNG. Strong economic and political links are reinforced by close cooperation between the armed forces. Australia is PNG’s key defence partner.
Australian and New Zealand have similar strategic interests and there is a long tradition of close cooperation between them. There are formal links through the ANZUS treaty and the more recent Closer Defence Relations (CDR) agreement, which aims to foster closer consultation between the two countries on defence planning.
The United States is Australia’s most important defence partner and this link goes back to World War II. The vast web of bilateral links involves areas such as intelligence, military technology, training exercises and visits. The ANZUS treaty is a formal undertaking to come to one another’s aid in a crisis.
Australia has a complex defence organisation with many programs to provide for the security of Australia. The total size of the ADF is around 87 000 personnel with 50 000 regulars, 4 000 reserves and 1 000 civilians.
Australia is one of the most safest countries in the world. It is the only country that occupies the whole of one continent with the oceans being its natural boundaries. It also has the longest ice-free coastline of any country (675 km) and an exclusive economic zone of over 11 million km squared. The long area of coastline and large area of territorial waters make up a very large area for Australia to protect from unauthorised use.
Coastal patrols relate to detecting illegal immigrants or doubtful foreign vessels. The arrival of illegal immigrants must be monitored and contained in order to keep effective controls over borers - issues arise like humanitarian assistance versus removal of illegals who could be acting against Australian interests. This also brings up the issue whether Australia needs coastguards, like America, which would be very costly.
Australians pride themselves on believing in a ‘fair go’. Australia has a sense of community and social responsibility reflected in the health, welfare and education systems. In a world where there is poverty, hunger, war and disease it is appropriate that our humanitarian concern extends beyond our shores. The Australian government’s aid program, managed by AusAID, helps to create a better world, for ourselves as well as others.
In East Timor, Australia contributed to the United Nations mission in support of East Timor. Australia provided about 5 per cent of the peace keeping force and included the largest deployed Reserves contingent outside Australia since World War II. The Australian presence includes national command element in Dili, The Australian Combined Battalion Group based in Moleana, Fifth Aviation Regiment Detachment of three s70 Black hawk helicopters based in Moleana and defence force personnel serving in Metinaro and Los Palos.
Australia has made the biggest contribution to a total force of 5 in the Solomon Islands. The aim is to abolish ethnic violence, banditry and intimidation and restore government services. The deployment includes an intervention force of military, police and security personnel and troop and equipment carrier HMAS Manoora.
Overall, the Australian government has a very close relationship with its close neighbours as well as global nations due to its cooperative and generous stand, which helps it maintain a secure and peaceful country.
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