Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pow 3 Munkeys

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Subject Dating Tutorial


Listed below is a dating system tutorial,when I say dating system,I mean

Harvest Moon style dating system.First of all,decide how many girls/guys you

want there to be to date.Ill show you how to make one of them.

Make a graphic for the person,same level as hero and push key.Walking if you

would like.Make a variable,lets say its variable 1.Call it the persons

name,Ill use the name Jane.Just make the variable.Then set up a fork

option.Pick Variable-Jane,set 0-same.Make her say

Hi.What is your name? or something to that effect.

Make an event,like a contest or something.And when you win the contest,have

the girl come up to you and say something likeIm impressed!.ThenPick Set

Variable.Pick Variable-Jane.Make it +.Then select how much you want.I made

mine 0 as they dont know you,100 as marriage.So make it around 5 or

10.Itll look like this


You can also do some other things with it,here are some examples

Fork Option-Have ItemFlowers

Show Message


Wow!Thanks!Your so sweet!


Variable Jane.+.Set.

Remove ItemFlowers.

That is one thing you can do.This is a rather basic thing to do.It can get a

bit event consuming also.So,you wanna know how to date?make something like


Fork Option


TeleportDating Place

All the stuff that happens during the date


Repeat with Variable-Jane.1.Same. etc until like 5.

Like I said,this can get very time consuming but its worth it!Experiment

with this basic coding,it is very flexible and can hold many things.It can

easily be very advanced or simplified.It is very good for

beginners,intermediates,and advanced users.Thanks..send all questions and

such to

Mind that the sample papers like Pow 3 Munkeys presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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