Thursday, July 12, 2012

Right or Wrong?

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Lately, marijuana laws have been a very common and heated topic on the news. There are many reasons to agree or to disagree with

its legalization. It has both, negative and positive sides. The argument

against legalization falls into two main categories health risks and the

social message legalization woul convey.

Early American colonists grew marijuana crops for the production

of paper, clothing and rope. It was so important, farmers were fined if they

didnt grow it. Marijuana can be used medicinally to treat lack of appetite,

pain and depression, treatment of glancoma, nausea. Non-harmful side

effects of marijuana use include being very hungry or thirsty, feelings of

euphonia or peacefulness, increase of sexual appetite. Used medicinally,

marijuana is great at treating cancer and AIDS patients. Its biodegradable

and easy to grow.

However, on the flip side you have the negatives. All forms of marijuana

alters how the brain works. Harmful side of marijuana use include changes in

memory, perception, and judgement, dry mouth, rapid heart beat, loss of

coordination, etc. Marijuana contains some of the same (and sometimes

in higher quantities) cancer causing agents as tobacco. Studies shows that

smoking three to five joints a day is equivalent to inhaling twenty cigarettes.

Statistics point about the gateway drug theory which suggests young people

who try pot will eventually experiment and get hooked on harder drugs.

Marijuana should not be used by the general public, it should be against the

law and is a danger to most people. We must way the benefits and

drawbacks to any drug. According to studies, marijuana isnt any better than

other drugs on the market to aleve pain and nausea. But if its all that works

for you exceptions must be made. For terminally ill patients or patients with

chronic severe pain, it can be argued that the positive effects outweigh the

negative side effects. But in a perfectly healthy person, this is not true. We

dont allow other addictive drugs on the street, such as morphine, so why

should marijuana be different. All Drugs should be regulated and if found

unsafe for common use they should be available only to those who truly need

it. Anyone selling or using an illegal drug should be punished according to the

law with a sentence that fits the crime.

Mind that the sample papers like Right or Wrong? presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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