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Presently, in the world today only about four hundred million of the inhabitance follow Buddhism (What ). Buddhism is “the teachings of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct, wisdom, and meditation releases one from desire, suffering, and rebirth” (Wordnet 1). According to the Buddha, it is up to each individual to take responsibility for his or her actions and for him or her to realize the truth for his or herself (What 16). Buddha’s followers believe if one acts wisely and according to the Buddha’s expectations ones life will be happier and more fulfilled. Buddhism has an extremely extensive and remarkable history; to comprehend Buddhism one must know the characteristics, beliefs, and the position Buddhism holds presently (What 16).
Buddhism began about ,500 years ago (What 1), in 450 BC by the teachings of the Buddha (Kingsfisher 58). Buddhism originated in Northeast India via a monk named Siddhartha, he who will accomplish Gautama, his clan name (Buddha 58). Siddhartha Gautama received the name Buddha defined as “enlightened one or awakened one”(Kingsfisher 58). The Buddha was also given the honorable titles Sakyamuni “sage of the Sakya clan (religious 1), and Bodhisattva, one who has reached personal enlightenment and chooses to be reborn and aid others in reaching enlightenment (What 46). The Buddha began to preach and express his modern and uplifting ways of thinking and life with the public in the rd century BC (Buddhism 5). The Buddha past in his early eighties in 48 BC after the passing of the Buddha it was hard to continue since nothing was written down (Buddhism 5).
Some may perform the customs of Buddhism but belong to a different religion (Academic 5). Contrary to some beliefs Buddhists do not believe in an all-powerful God who created the world and watches over it (What 18). The Buddha is not worshiped as a God, but as a human being who gained enlightenment, through his teachings and example others have the opportunity to reach personal enlightenment (What 18). When practicing Buddhism, tradition insists one refer to Buddha as divine and all-powerful, however Buddha never claimed divinity (Acay 1). Differing from alternative religions, salvation is not attained through Christ; one is required to seek personal salvation and diligence (Acay 1). Buddhism is the diagnosis of inside suffering, one diagnoses suffering by meditating, and reaching enlightenment (Acay 1).
Over time Buddhism was torn into two forms, commonly known as early Buddhism “the teachings of the elders” and late Buddhism “great vehicle” (Kingsfisher 6-6). The forms over time have also acquired the labels Theravada, early Buddhism and Mahayana, late Buddhism (Buddhism 5). The two main ways of Buddhism are split mainly due to Theravada being more conservative, and Mahayana being more diverse and liberal (Buddhism 5). Theravada is dominant in Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand, where as Mahayana is found mainly in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan (Buddhism 5). Besides the two chief forms of Buddha’s teachings, Theravada and Mahayana, there are three key types Chinese, Tibetan, and Japanese (Kingsfisher 64-65). Monks, nuns, and followers of Buddha’s set example operate Buddhism (What 17). Buddhist Monks who leave ones home and possessions in order to devout ones life to carry on the Buddhist traditions are titled devout Buddhists (What 8). Devout Buddhists are also labeled the monastic sangha or community of Buddhist monks known as bhikkhus (What 8). In Buddhism, the purpose of the monks is to “perform” the religion the nuns assist the monks, and the ordinary Buddhist followers attempt to reach personal enlightenment (What 8). Places of worship for a Buddhist are very open, one can follow through with the procedures in the comfort of their own home, or one could attend a monastery or temple (what 4). In the Buddhist temples and monasteries one is offered the chance to make offerings, chant uplifting spiritual messages, and listen to a Buddhist monk preach the ways of the Buddha (What 4). Also one should clasp their hands together in greeting then kneel and bow three times before the statue of the Buddha or Bodhisattava (What 4).
The four noble truths are the most significant of Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha’s teachings (What 15). The first of the four noble truths is “life is full of unhappiness”, the second is “unhappiness caused by greed”, thirdly “there is a way to end unhappiness”, last “the way to end unhappiness is the middle path” (What 15). The three jewels of Buddhism are one Buddha himself two dharma, Buddha’s teachings three sangha, the Buddhist community (What 15). The Buddha is known as the doctor, the dharma is the medicine, and the sangha is the nurse who gives the medicine to the patient, a starving Buddhist- one who is full of greed and wishes to reach enlightenment (what 16). The five precepts or promises are the set of guidelines set for members of the Buddhist religion to follow (What ). The first of the five promises is “not to harm or kill any living thing”, this makes Buddhists vegetarians, second “not to steal or take anything that isn’t freely given” (What ). The third of the five precepts is “to control sexual desire”, fourth “not to tell any lies”, and the fifth states, “not to drink or take drugs”, Buddhists perform the five precepts on a daily basis (What ). The middle or eightfold path stands for the eight spokes of the dharma (Buddha’s teachings) wheel, the steps are not separate, but work together to reach ultimate happiness (What 14). The first step of the eightfold path is “right understanding- of the Buddha’s teachings”, second is “right attitude- thinking kind thoughts”, third “right speech- not telling any lies or using angry words”, fourth “right action- not telling any lies”, fifth “right work- witch does not make others suffer” (What 14). The sixth step of the dharma wheel is “right effort- thinking before one acts”, seventh right mindfulness- “being alert and aware” and the eighth step is “right meditation- for a calm, focused mind” (What 14). The four noble truths, the three jewels of Buddhism, and the noble eightfold path are the three key points to make a Buddhist successful in reaching full personal enlightenment.
“Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and the spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring form the experience of all things, natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity” Albert Einstein (Religious 1). Buddhism has played a central role in the spiritual, cultural and social life of the eastern world since 450 BC and is still continuing to be a strong influence (Religious 1). Currently in the twentieth century Buddhism upholds the spot of the fourth largest religion in the world, Buddhism lags behind Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism (Religious 1). Recently Buddhism had begun to spread to the West; also from India to central and Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and Japan, Buddhism is the predominant religious and philosophical system of much of Asia (Religious 1). Various details of the Buddhist faith are no doubt part legend; numerous were invented to attempt to clarify parts of the Buddhist religion without explanation, also to make stories more interesting so they would not be forgotten over time (Acay 1).
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